UP D-Ring
$ 2.95
Your OmieBox UP purchase already includes a D-ring. You do not need to buy this part additionally.
- This is a D-ring OmieBox UP.
- It is used to secure the name tag on OmieBox UP.
- For assembly instructions, please check our OmieBox UP Instructional Videos.
This D-Ring will only work with OmieBox UP. All spare part purchases are non-refundable. The best way to see which OmieBox you have is by checking the box shape.
- If your box is rectangular, it's an OmieBox UP and this is the correct part.
- If your box is square, then it's an OmieBox and you can buy the spare parts here.
- If you're not sure which version OmieBox you have, please email us at info@omielife.com.