Fruit & Nut Oatmeal


Fruit & Nut Oatmeal by Karolina (@edukacjabezlukru)



  • 1 pkg Quaker Apple Walnut Oatmeal
  • 1 small apple
  • For the kebabs - mini mozzarella, olives, tomatoes
  • Snacks - garlic & sesame crackers, grapes, mini kiwi, mini sandwiches with herb cheese and cucumber



  1. Peel and slice the apple and place in about 1 inch of water in a steamer basket. Cover and steam over medium heat until softened.
  2. Drain the apples and then toss with cinnamon to coat.
  3. Prepare oatmeal according to package directions. Add oatmeal to the thermos and top with cinnamon apples.
  4. Pack kebabs, fruit, crackers, and mini sandwiches with this oatmeal for a well-rounded lunch!